Alphabetic Repertorium of Families in Denderhoutem and Outer

There are 76815 individuals and 26165 families representing 4448 surnames in this database.

These WWW pages were produced on 16-01-2024, 16:11:32.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (Other)

Surname List

Surnames and places where they appear

Places and surnames appearing

Places and surnames appearing

Emigrants from Denderhoutem to North-America

Data compiled by Rene De Paepe(†) and Robert Lievens(†) (Sources)

Disclaimer: given the sheer volume of the data, no claim is being made that all the data published on this site is accurate. There are no doubt typos and errors to be found. We welcome any and all information that will allow us to fill in blanks or correct mistakes. We are equally willing to do lookups and share the information we have collected over the years. For this purpose, pls. contact us at:  
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These pages were produced by GED2WWW version 1.5.5a f&w compiled on Aug 13 2000 at 22:18:23.
GED2WWW © 1996,1997 Leslie Howard, 1998-1999 Jean-Baptiste Fahy & Frank Waarsenburg. Base fuctions of the program by Leslie Howard. Internationalization and places printing by Jean-Baptiste Fahy 1998. Photo and storage extensions by Frank Waarsenburg 1998. GED2WWW is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about GED2WWW or the GNU General Public License', contact Leslie Howard at or visit the GED2WWW webpage at International version available at Jean-Baptiste Fahy's at,